MIND Active: Entertainment and activities for care home residents, dementia sufferers and their carers

Promoting Inclusion Through Mental Stimulation

Accordian duo

Comedian singer

Walking group

MIND Active recognises the growing needs of an ageing population with more older people entering the care system, and an inevitable increase in the number of people with debilitating conditions such as dementia, Parkinson's, etc., being cared for in their own homes for longer.

Beneficiary consultation and advisory groups have grown to become key aspects in directing project delivery and development, ensuring the charity continues to meet the needs of existing and future client groups.

Beneficiaries recognise in order to feel valued and included members of society, they need to keep active, not only physically, but also mentally.

MIND Active seeks to complement and build on activities available within residential homes and to enable people living with debilitating conditions such as dementia from their own homes to continue as part of the community. In this way we hope to enhance their lives, as well as those who are caring for them.

"We didn't think anyone out there cared about us" Care home resident.

MIND Active would like to thank the residents, their families and the staff of the participating care homes for their permission to use images on this website.

Positive about disabled peopleAwarded District Volunteer Group of the Year 2007

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